Africa: Egypt
Egypt pick 10c: 25 Piastres from 1940
18.12.1940-1946. Deep purple on multicolor underprint. Banks of the Nile at center. Back: Dark blue on pale orange and light gray underprint. Printer: BWC.
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Egypt pick 42a: 25 Piastres from 1967
6.2.1967-4.1.1975. Blue, green, and brown on multicolored underprint. Sphinx with statue at left center. U. A. R. arms at center on back. Watermark: Archaic Egyptian scribe.
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Egypt pick 44b: 1 Pound from 1967
12.5.1967-19.4.1978. Brown and black on multicolored underprint. Sultan Quayet Bey mosque at left center. Archaic statues on back. Watermark: Archaic Egyptian scribe.
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Egypt pick 50e: 1 Pound from 1993
17.10.1993-25.1.2001. Brown, purple, and deep olive-green on multicolored underprint. Sultan Qait Bey mosque at left center. Statues from the Abu Simbel Temple on the back. Watermark: Tutankhamen's mask. Back pale brown. Series 247-380.
Egypt pick 50f: 1 Pound from 2001
22.11.2001-14.8.2003. Brown, purple, and deep olive-green on multicolored underprint. Sultan Qait Bey mosque at left center. Statues from the Abu Simbel Temple on the back. Watermark: Tutankhamen\'s mask. Series 381-428.
Egypt pick 57g: 25 Piastres from 2006
24.9.2006. Purple and pale blue on pale lilac and multicolored underprint. Al-Sayida Aisha mosque at center. Standard ARE arms at left center on back. Watermark: Tutankhamen's mask.
Egypt pick 62o: 50 Piastres from 2008
24.1.2008. Dull olive-gray on multicolored underprint. Al Azhar mosque at center right. Sculptured wall design at left, Ramses II at center, archaic seal at right on back.
Egypt pick 64a: 10 Pounds from 2003
19.8.2003; 28.8.2003. Multicolored. With wide segmented silver security strip and added rosette printed in optical variable ink.
Egypt pick 72g: 5 Pounds from 2018
2018.4.26. Blue, green, and red. Ahmed Ibn Toulon mosque. Back: pharaonic wall inscription. Wide segmented security thread.
Egypt pick 73l: 10 Pounds from 2018
2018.11.29. Brown and brown violet. Interior of Al-Rifai mosque. Back: statue of Chephren and pyramids. Wide segmented security thread. Watermark: King Khafre and 10.
Egypt pick 74e: 20 Pounds from 2017
13.8.2017. Black, gray-violet and deep green on multicolored underprint. Wide security thread (4mm).
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Egypt pick 75a: 50 Pounds from 2016
11.2.2016. Multicolored. Wide security thread (4mm).
Egypt pick 76d: 100 Pounds from 2017
26.1.2017. Brown, green, and multicolored. Sultan Hassan mosque. Back: sphinx. Improved version. Wide segmented security thread. Different Arabic spelling of "hundred".
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Egypt pick 77l: 200 Pounds from 2018
12.4.2018. Violet, brown, green, reddish brown and multicolored. Mosque of Qani-Bay. Back: the Seated Scribe. Wide segmented security thread. Improved version.
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Egypt pick 182a: 5 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Lilac. Queen Nefertiti at right. Watermark: UAR. Signature Hegazy with title MINISTER OF TREASURY. Series 33 and 34. With imprint Survey of Egypt.
Egypt pick 183h: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Black. Group of militants with flag having only two stars. Signature of Meguid with title MINISTER OF FINANCE. Series 43-46.