Africa: South Africa
South Africa pick 93e: 1 Pound from 1951
1.12.1951-26.6.1959. Blue. Portrait Jan van Riebeeck at left. Like p92 but first line of bank name and value in Afrikaans. Date with month as number.
South Africa pick 118d: 2 Rand from 1983
ND (1983-1990). Blue on multicolor underprint. Jan van Riebeek at left, electrical tower at center. Back: Refinery at left center. Watermark: Jan van Riebeek. With security thread. Alpha-numeric serial number system.
South Africa pick 128a: 10 Rand from 2005
2005. Green on multicolor underprint. White rhinoceros at center, large white rhino head at right, coat of arms at top left, various geometric shapes at lower portion. Back: Ram's head over sheep at left. Watermark: Rhino head.
South Africa pick 129a: 20 Rand from 2005
2005. Brown on tan underprint. Elephants at center, large elephant head at right, coat of arms at top left, various geometric shapes at lower portion. Back: Open pit mining at left center. Watermark: Elephant head.
South Africa pick 131a: 100 Rand from 2005
2005. Blue on multicolor underprint. Cape buffalo at center and large water buffalo head at right, coat of arms at top left, various geometric shapes at lower portion. Back: Zebras along bottom from left to center. Watermark: Water buffalo head.