pS671r: 10 Scudi from 1855

Italian States
Front of Italian States pS671r: 10 Scudi from 1855
Back of Italian States pS671r: 10 Scudi from 1855

Italian States pS671r: 10 Scudi from 1855

ND (1855 - old date 1853). Female head at left and right, allegorical figure around. Overprint: BIGLIETTO PROVVISORIO / DELLA BANCA DI BOLOGNA PER LE 4 LEGAZIONI / PAGABILE IN BOLOGNA on S692. As a remainder banknote.

  • Country & Pick Number:Italian States pS671r
  • Denomination & Currency:10 Scudi
  • First Year of Issue:1855
  • Issue Type: Remainder Banknote
  • Series:1855 ND Provisional Issue
  • Issuer:Banca Pontificia per le 4 Legazioni (Prima Repubblica Romana)