p122a: 20 Escudos from 1920

Flag of Portugal Portugal
Front of Portugal p122a: 20 Escudos from 1920
Back of Portugal p122a: 20 Escudos from 1920
Owned By: Also owned by Linoport

Portugal p122a: 20 Escudos from 1920

9.8.1920-3.2.1927. Brown, green and multicolor. Portrait J. Estevao Coelho de Magalhaes at left, woman seated with arms and globe at right. Chapa 3. Back: Brown. Warrior's head at left and right. Watermark: Allegorical head. Printer: BWC (without imprint).

  • Country & Pick Number:Portugal p122a
  • Denomination & Currency:20 Escudos
  • First Year of Issue:1920
  • Issue Type: Regular Issue
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